Action: November 2000
A call to action from the Avenues & Pearson Park Residents Association:
Fountain News
Unless you are new to the area, you will know that the cast iron Victorian (1875) fountain at the junction of Park Avenue and Salisbury Street was demolished by a car in 1995.
The fountains are listed monuments which the Council is under a moral obligation to reinstate in this Conservation Area.
For five years, individuals and the Residents Association have been lobbying the Council for restoration of the fountain. In fact, we think the Council should take the opportunity to replace the fountains in Marlborough and Victoria Avenues as well it is cheaper to cast items in bulk.
Imagine our dismay when we heard that the council had finally settled with the insurers of the motorist who demolished the fountain, for a sum well below the actual replacement cost. On top of this, a recent Council Cabinet Committee took a decision to ‘defer the work’ on the fountain (reported in the Hull Daily Mail 16 September 2000). |
The reason given was ‘other spending priorities’. This follows written assurances from Cllr Doyle, Leader of the Council, that works could soon begin. It was surprising, therefore, when it was announced (3 October 2000) that the Council had decided to spend £25,000 on refurbishing the male councillors’ personal urinal at the Guildhall. This was justified on the grounds that the urinal is in a Grade II listed building. Clearly, the ‘right sort’ of fountain for ‘special people’.
If you feel disappointed and frustrated with this state of affairs, write to Cllr Doyle at the Cabinet Office, Guildhall, Hull |
Spoof fountain There was a public unveiling of a ‘spoof fountain’ at the Park Avenue site at 2.00 pm on 17 November (details here...) The Fountain Rescue team took this action to draw attention to the lack of action by the Council.
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