The Player - in Westbourne Avenue

was to be sculpted by Kevin Storch
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Tuesday, 7 September 1999

Permission denied!

In spite of the car in the way, Kevin and Jonathan were all set to start work, when suddenly an inspector appeared. He said Kevin didn't have a permit, and must stop at once.

This was the first time Kevin had heard about the need for a permit. Apparently a permit costing £50 must be obtained, plus insurance indemnifying the Council for £5 million.

If this is going to apply to all sculpture in the open, then the likelihood of any more tree sculpture in the Avenues seems remote.

What a shame, if that happened!

An Inspector Calls
News about the controversy:
BBC1 Look North, Tuesday, 7 September 6.30 pm
Radio Humberside, Wednesday 7-8.30 am
Hull Daily Mail
Yorkshire Post.

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