The Player - in Westbourne Avenue

was to be sculpted by Kevin Storch, September 1999
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Kevin Storch and helpers started work on the tree trunk on Sunday, 5 September, clearing away the shoots round the base of the trunk, while local group Kommunal Karaoke provided gentle 60s style acoustic music.

The heavy chainsaw work was to be done by Jonathan Neighbour (from Willerby Tree Surgeons) whose expertise and powerful chainsaw would get the tree into shape quickly.

Controversy flared
The Player
At that point, 2 residents of Westbourne Avenue approached Kevin to express their opposition to the sculpture as shown in Kevin's sketch and model.

Their objection was that such a "modern" sculpture was not suitable for the Avenues environment. Something more "organic" was required. Also, they complained that local residents had not been consulted about whether they wanted such a sculpture.

They wanted The Residents' Association to withdraw funding, which it did (full details here...)

Even though this sculpture is not now going to be created, the questions raised by this affair are still very relevant:

  • should the Avenues welcome modern sculpture?

  • Should we stay with familiar, representational images as being more in keeping with a Conservation Area?

  • Should we welcome both sorts of art?

We would very much like to hear your views, whether Avenues residents, or not.

Email Chrys Bavey

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The tree in
Westbourne Avenue

Kevin Storch