Kevin Storch - sculptor
Kevin Storch is a well-known local sculptor, who has completed a number of significant commissions for public places: for example, two figures at Edinburgh Street Community Centre, and the "Peter" figure at Drypool Green, both commissioned by Hull City Leisure Services; also, for Crossglade Ltd, The Maltings, Hull, the "Drayman" figure. In addition, he has completed a commission for Conoco (September 1995), erected in 1996 at their Immingham site. He has recently completed a major commission for Whitby Town Council (The Crow's Nest).  
Born: 1948
1959-1960: Lived in Ghana, West Africa
1967-1969: Birmingham College of Art
1969-1972: Hull College of Art
1975 to date: Working as professional artist
See some examples of Kevin's work

"I believe there is a difference between public and private art. If the work is to be exhibited in a public space, the artist must have a sense of responsibility to the public.

A work of art created as a private work to be presented in a gallery can be viewed or not by individuals. That is, they can choose to enter the gallery or avoid it. For that reason, private work is often more obscure because the artist does not feel obliged to provide interpretations.

However, public art is there, in public spaces, for all to see whether they choose or not. It impinges on their space. I believe, therefore, that public art should engage, not alienate.

Many large trees in Hull have been felled because of subsidence. However, Hull City Council agreed to leave the trunk of this tree for sculpting. I should like to thank The Avenues Residents Association, and in particular their Chair, Mrs Stephanie Wilson, for their help and support in making this project happen."

Kevin Storch