Hull's Angel Kevin Storch, 1998

Contact: info@hullsangel.org
sites by hullsangel web design:
Ian Pollock: "New Testament" The online catalogue of 40 new works, by this internationally-renowned illustrator. Each work is shown individually, plus detail images.
Helen Clapcott: "Paintings of Stockport" Helen Clapcott's tempera landscapes explore the nature of light, covering in beautiful detail the development of this once-industrial valley in the north-west of England.
Faith to Faith "An exciting and dynamic illustration event. Andrew Foster and Gary Powell address 'faith' exploring the iconography of belief from the ecclesiastical to the terraces." Geoff Grandfield
(formerly EICH Gallery, Hull - 1994-2006)
A full record of exhibitions (illustration, painting, sculpture) by: Ian Pollock, Robin Harris, Joanna Mowbray, Mario Minichiello, Andrew Foster+Gary Powell, Sol Robbins